
I walk on a road lush with dreams,
a road of forgotten and veiled dreams,
sometimes slowly, sometimes gaily,
sometimes lost, sometimes profound,
I walk a road of unknown mysteries,
fervently finding my way through the endless path.....

Sunday, May 10, 2015

99 word fiction- Death couldn't have tasted sweeter. #planyourdeath

It was a time when day met dusk and birds chirped testifying that to God belonged all glory. 

Amina had just finished her evening prayer and sat in sujood (prostration) longer than usual. 
She felt a sense of calm divinity enwrap her. 

Doctors had ensured that her chemo sessions would be over before her 22nd birthday.
Tomorrow she will turn 22. 

They had kept their promise. She thought and  kneeled to thank God again. 

Closing her eyes She felt free of sufferings, calamities, cancer and this worldly life. 

Death couldn't have been planned better or tasted sweeter. 

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