Sir William Ostler (Father of Modern Medicine) has said -
"No individual has done more good to the medical profession than Samuel Hahnemann (the father of Homeopathy)".
Homoeopathy has been derived from a Greek word 'homeos' meaning similar ( not same) and 'pathos' meaning suffering. So, it is basically treatment on the principle of 'like cures like'.
The root of this principle dates back to Vedic literature and writings of Hippocrates ( who is the father of medicine).
But, it was after many years that Samuel Hanhemann, a German physician while translating a book called 'Cullen's Materia Medica' discovered its efficacy.
Hanhemann read in the Materia Medica that 'cinchona bark could cure intermittent (malaria- like) fevers'. This particular sentence did not convince him much and he did something extraordinary. He took the extract of the medicine himself as a part of experimentation! And to his surprise, within a few days he developed malaria-like symptoms.
This experiment of Hanhemann lead to the birth of homoeopathy. He realized that the same cinchona bark which caused symptoms of malaria in a healthy human ( himself) was responsible for curing it too.
So the popular believes that many people have today that Homoepathy is nothing but a 'magic potion' of sweet pills and stands on 'no scientific principle' is completely wrong.
Time and again when human provings of over 2000 homoeopathic drugs are carried out results are observed and registered.
All over the world, homeopathic clinics and hospitals are curing all kinds of cases. From a simple fever to complex diseases. I do not debate on the fact that homoepathy is the 'quickest' remedy or has 'cure for everything' on earth. That is NOT true. Like any other medical science it too has its limitations and short-comings.
But if prescribed correctly and taken with faith and correct guidance Homoeopathy DOES POSSESS THE POWER TO CURE, by cure I mean ACTUAL CURE and not simply SUPPRESSING A COMPLAINT TO SEE IT RETURNING BACK after a week, a month or an year.
For all those, still in doubt I advice you to - TRY IT ONCE :)
Samuel Hahnemann Memorial at Scott Circle in Washington, D.C. The memorial is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. |
PS : You can read the introductory post HERE .