The very thought of procuring an extra two hours a day feels like a free dish on my platter or a prayer answered when you least expected it or maybe a surprise top -up recharge on my usually low on balance cell phone!
In a jiffy with an energy of a shooting star I found myself scribbling out various activities I'd do in those 'extra cheese' on my pizza hours :-D
from Shopping to Sleeping
Cooking to Cleaning
Reading to Roaming
Phone calls to Friends...
my list en wrapped NOT just everything humanly possible but also wild fantasies like Time travel and Tolerating the neighborhood aunt's rants!
However, as soon as the initial excitement and euphoria subsided I realized that we have always heard people say ' this world's a playground' although the only sports I observe people 'playing' now a days is 'athletics' (it includes me as well) . Yes, running, jumping and throwing! Running endlessly, mindlessly and often aimlessly day after day for months and years to reach the end of an infinite path.
In this era of eternal rushing when 24 hours cease to suffice, what difference will two additional hours make? what I will end up doing is a little more of this endless running!
So I decided to pursue something beyond monotony of everyday - 'to slow down a bit'!
For its better to 'LIVE' than to 'WIN' this race of life!
For its better to 'LIVE' than to 'WIN' this race of life!
To let that athlete in me experience a whiff of wind,
the green of tress and red of rose,
the sound of lub-dub when my heart beats and millions of such marvels which go unnoticed each day.
I decided
I will let people stand ahead of me in a queue,
wait patiently for the second bus and let an old lady take my seat in the first one instead.
I will let a fellow customer get her billing done first,
talk to that child with special needs on the bus stand for there is no rush to reach college ,
oil my mom's hair,
listen patiently to my grand mom's late night stories,
play with my younger brother for some minutes more,
chase the butterflies like in childhood days,
read even those 'longer than average' post on blogs,
read even those 'longer than average' post on blogs,
water my plants more often,
relish even the second serving of my dessert,
sit beside the window with my huge coffee mug,
sit beside the window with my huge coffee mug,
love myself more for proudly being me,
and just when those 120 minutes bid farewell-
thank Almighty for blessing my LONG day! :-)
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courtesy- Google image search |
This post has been written for 'SURF EXCEL MATIC #get smart' contest hosted by Indiblogger. You can fave it HERE.