
I walk on a road lush with dreams,
a road of forgotten and veiled dreams,
sometimes slowly, sometimes gaily,
sometimes lost, sometimes profound,
I walk a road of unknown mysteries,
fervently finding my way through the endless path.....

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I play with love !!

 Hide and seek. Seek and hide. A game that me and love have been playing right from the time I met it.
Some people count in 'love' as a game in itself but for me it has always been a fellow player.
A tough, ardent and possessive player.
Like most games that start from fun, frolic and tend to get dirty and intense, the players too somehow shift from being friendly to malignant. What began as a healthy competition turns into a cut-throat revenge.
Ours too has its highs and lows.
I do accept that I have been mostly on the 'hiding' side, trying my best to find a cave or curtain solitary enough to let love not find me.
Atleast not so easily.
Atleast not so quickly.

But as I said, the game gets uglier and love deceives me with his ways to catch hold of me, clutching tightly.
After all, when everything is fair for love, rules don't make much of a difference they?

I dutifully accept my defeat and begin my search of 'him', the fellow player.
He is smart and his ways are unpredictable I tell u.
He hides so deep and deeper within that I am unable to track down even the shadow of it.
Days and months pass. I am able to search him not.
Neither can I give up, for its a game of life now.
And then , after million tries I finally decided to let go, to accept my defeat. I surrender finally.
Sit and reflect on my stupidity.
Promising to never play with it again. Never ever.
And suddenly, it emerges again persuading me for a new game, a new battle, a new hope- that I might win this time. Just this first and final time.

I seek again. I lose again.
but I play again.....Cunning love. Chimeric me.


  1. haaa, finding love is like finding neverland...its there, but just out of reach...and wen you arent thinking of being there, there you are...
    heard the phrase? "falling in love"

    1. I knw and do believe in 'falling in love' but then there is also something called falling 'out' of it
      & flat on ur face! :P

  2. Sarah,

    Read 3 pending posts. When do I get Invitation Card for wedding? Jokes apart, there is still a lot of time before that as you have to settle down in your practice. I agree that there is a vast difference between what is on paper and what is actually on ground. We definitely need to focus more on differently abled persons. I will try to contact that NGO as I know some other organisations who are into this. You will not even know when LOVE scores on you.

    Take care

    1. i was wondering where did u go! thnks for being such an honest reader and providing feedbac :)

  3. wow....couldnt agree on is a stupid dancer like a butterfly follow it n u ll never have it...leave it alone..n u might get lucky in love...:)....nice write seriously...n i so liked the last 2 lines...:)

    1. yes that is the case many of us believ..that once you dont care its there buzzing around and when u start paying attention it flies away. thats y i said 'game of hide and seek' :)

  4. Haha. Nicely written. :)
    Atleast you try to find and live in a hope that someday, you might just get lucky. I don't even try because may be I know that I'd fail and there is no point even trying.

    1. oh no..u seem to have given up on it. but u should not, it has its ways and time...will definitely hold u tight and sweep all ur inhibitions away :D

  5. Hello.
    As the self-proclaimed Doctor of Love and Romance, I can affirm that when you have true, complete love in your midst, it never lets you go and your search will be over. Love never changes its is we humans with our fickle hearts and emotions that can't decide if we should go or stay and then blame love for our indecision. I still enjoyed the fun in this poem. Thanks for sharing.

    Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn...

    1. oh hello, self proclaimed doc :P
      i definitely agree to wht u said, but then like all things true nad pure even love is a hard commodity to find :)
      PS : i tried to keep it serious, never mind if u found it funny :s

  6. If only it was as easy as described to play with love :)
    If it is game then it is not love.
    I am so opposite to your love view.

  7. Every game results in new lessons learnt....thats the beauty of love.

  8. that was so well penned and yes at times this hide n seek make life so interesting....:))

    1. true! interesting and keeping you on toes at least emotionally. glad u liked it.

  9. Game of love is certainly synonymous with the game of hide n seek:)

  10. i know how much you play in love and how much you hurt people

    1. zabardastii !! dont judge me like that :P

    2. I am not a judge to judge people. I know you better than most of them here, so I have the rights to say that ;)

  11. Ah! Love is a forever on going cunning game you'll have to play all your life, I guess. And it'll grow through your nerves the very moment you'll try to sever its existence. That's the magic, love's not just a game perhaps, it's something with which we may define nothingness, filled with everything. Nicely written and yes, I can very well relate to the feeling.
    Leo says, never say anything to love! Not even no, for it may chase you faster then! ;)

    1. haha..i liked your comment :D will definitely take up leo's advice :P

  12. Interestingly written. Liked the narrative style. Kind of thought provoking and open to interpretations.

    1. Yes, a feeling so universal and omnipresent should be open to interpretations. glad u liked it TF !

  13. I personally do not believe in falling in love and hurting yourself. If it is synonymous to hide and seek then obviously there is a winner and a loser.I don't understand when you say you play with love.If you are playing with love then you should be ready to accept whatever be the result. This can hurt at times.Personal experience.Play with it and get hurt.this is intense and I am already your fan Sarah.

  14. Loved this one! As they say its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
    The last two lines are my favorite, that should be the spirit! :D
