This post has been written for BLOGESHWAR and Anubhooti.
DISEASE BACKGROUND - Cultural shock has spread like a malaise in our society. Potentially the affects of western society on the eastern culture. People seem to be going gaga on anything which appears to make least sense and presents a sense of 'false' and 'temporary' euphoria. This intense thirst for 'fun' is associated with 'syndrome' that affects those who aren't ready to understand the 'changing times' which refers to absurd intermingling of cultures.
CONSTITUTION - usually affects older generation or people visiting metro cities from rural backgrounds.
SYMPTOMS - a terrible shock almost equal to a minor heart attack, the patient believes the other person is a sinner and atheist ( according to religious views).
May even shout at high pitched voice (in case of females) or recluse ( in case of elderly males). In rare cases, may even mold himself/herself to potential shock Creator!
CAUSES - It could be classified into various types
TYPE 1 - mainly concerned with 'outfits and sense of dressing'
JEANS - mild shock
CAPRI'S AND SKIRTS - moderate shock
HOT PANTS - severe shock Creator
TYPE 2 - 'language based shock'
words like 'yaar , saale, abey' etc have been 'vaccinated' enough , so do not create distress anymore.
The 'F' and 'S' words have spread like 'epidemics' and NO VACCINATIONS what-so-ever seems to be powerful enough to eradicate them.
usually affects the middle aged parents of teenage/ 20 somethings children
there is no particular definition of any relation and confuses the shockers and creators alike.
SAME SEX RELATIONS - responsible for alarming number of patients now a days!
includes spending long hours on phones, Internet, extra marital affairs and MOVIES .
AGGRAVATION - watching movies ( Hollywood and Bollywood) both can create instant aggravation of the problem
AMELIORATION - sitting in your room enchanting versus from holy books may help markedly.
TREATMENT - the only treatment I can suggest is understanding that 'In any clash between the east and the west, those who will suffer most are Eastern with a soul of West'!