o' woman of today
you fragile creature
know that you are strong
silence not your powers any more
For ages they have misused you
took your patience for granted
know that you too can speak
silence not your voice any more
every now and then
they victimize and torture one of you
know that you have an identity
silence not your respect any more
crushing your desires
they boast of control
know that you have a life
silence not your rights any more
though you be dainty
withholding your potential
know that you are not weak
silence not your strengths any more
The world exists at your feet
they must never ignore it
know that you are the begetter
silence not your might any more
patriarchy shouldn't mean oppression
you are no slave to them
know that you stand equal
silence not your pride any more
o' woman of today
stand up for yourself
know that you are the most wonderful creation
silence not your existence any more!
PS: Crimes, criminals, perverts, cowards, debauchees, barbarics - deal with them NOT with silence!